Our Focus
Equipoise’s business relationships are built on honesty, quality, integrity, professionalism, and trust. Equipoise’s seasoned and licensed Principals are externally focused on our Client’s needs while remaining internally focused on mentoring our growing staff of bright geologists, civil engineers, and environmental scientists. From our Senior Principals to our talented professional staff and engineering technicians, all of Equipoise’s people are committed to complementing our Clients’ core business, and dedicated to finding and implementing innovative and proven project approaches that:
- Accelerate our Clients’ projects towards regulatory closure;
- Minimize impact to our Clients’ core business;
- Assure compliance with all applicable regulations;
- Eliminate un-necessary project spending;
- Ultimately lower annual and life-cycle costs;
- Eliminate or reduce environmental risk and liability; and
- Maintain our Clients’ reputation as a solid corporate citizen and steward for human health and the environment.
Equipoise’s closure-focused approach includes successful completion of projects at U.S. Department of Defense (DOD) and U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) facilities, aerospace and electronic manufacturing facilities, research and development (R&D) facilities, automotive facilities, terminals, refineries, airports, landfills and recycling facilities, oil fields, Brownfield sites, and a wide range of commercial properties. While based in California, our personnel have permitted, designed, investigated, monitored and provided technical expertise at sites throughout the United States, including: Alaska, Arizona, California, Colorado, Florida, Hawaii, Massachusetts, Michigan, Missouri, Nevada, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Texas, and Washington; and internationally, including Asia, Australia, Brazil, Europe, and the United Kingdom.
Equipoise Corporation dedicates itself toward exceeding our Clients’ business objectives by providing technically sound, high quality, value added, and expert services. Equipoise believes in client advocacy through balanced relationships built on honesty, integrity, fair play, professionalism, earned respect and trust.
Commitment to our Clients
Our Professionals understand and respect Client confidentiality and—through our work experience—have a thorough understanding of health and safety issues and an understanding of Client-confidentiality project management protocol. Equipoise personnel and partners always maintain the highest degree of professionalism, confidentiality, and integrity. We encourage our Clients and prospective Clients to discuss their program / project needs, objectives, and concerns with us. During these discussions Equipoise will always seek to identify strategies that meet our Clients’ objectives and their business interests. Our Clients’ best interest will always be our focus.
Principal-Level Expertise
Equipoise’s organizational structure is specifically designed for expert-level evaluation and consulting projects. The firm was formed to offer our Clients well-seasoned and technically experienced professionals while maintaining a simplified organizational structure for project management and cost control. Following this key strategy, Equipoise is built around principal-level experts providing our Clients with effective, efficient, personalized, and trustworthy service aligned with our Clients’ technical, administrative, regulatory compliance, and business objectives. A brief description of key personnel is provided below. Full qualifications are available upon request.
Mr. Blackmer has over 30 years of professional experience managing and conducting technical studies in remediation engineering at contaminated sites and at brownfield redevelopment projects. Mr. Blackmer is an expert in conceptual site model development using geologic, hydrogeologic, geophysical, geochemical, and biological methodologies. He is also an expert on in-situ and ex-situ physical, chemical, thermal, and biological remediation technologies. Mr. Blackmer applies these combined skills to develop technically sound and cost-effective remedial strategies to remediate environmental contamination. Mr. Blackmer has performed feasibility analysis, design, and implementation of remediation approaches for soil, soil vapor, and groundwater impacted with a variety of chemicals of concern, including chlorinated solvents, petroleum hydrocarbons, metals, perchlorate, NDMA, 1,4-dioxane, and several other compounds included on emergent chemicals lists. Mr. Blackmer has practical experience in the enhancement of traditional remediation approaches through innovative methods of distribution of remedial amendments using environmental fracturing, hydraulic fracturing, and multi-screened horizontal wells. Mr. Blackmer is also an expert regarding the operation, maintenance, and performance optimization of remediation systems. He has designed and implemented pilot testing programs for state-of-the-art groundwater treatment devices, including MTBE and 1,4-dioxane treatment using a modified In-Well Air Stripping methodology, MTBE remediation using a super critical fluid extraction with membrane structures and liquid carbon dioxide and perchlorate and nitrate treatment using a biological approach with an anoxic fluidized bed carbon canister. With his broad base of experience, Mr. Blackmer possesses the unique ability to troubleshoot existing remediation systems that are either not performing up to expectations or not accomplishing the remedial objectives, recommend modifications to the remediation system design or operational approach, and implement recommendations in a timely and cost-effective manner.
Mr. Rohwer has over 30 years of experience as an expert in planning, managing, and implementing projects to characterize and remediate environmental contamination in many geologic and hydrogeologic settings. As a Client advocate, Mr. Rohwer has proactively conferred and negotiated with local, State, and Federal regulators to establish concise project strategies based on project-specific objectives, including: the assessment of media and chemicals of concern; development of conceptual site models; identification of sensitive receptors and exposure pathways; quantification of human health and ecological risks; evaluation of corrective measures; and the selection and implementation of corrective measures. Mr. Rohwer has exercised these expertise to characterize and remediate chlorinated solvents, petroleum hydrocarbons, metals, hydrazine, and emergent chemicals in alluvial, fluvial, lacustrine, coastal, glacial, and bedrock systems. Mr. Rohwer also provides expert-level technical consultation to support realized or potential legal action, including: discovery document review, analysis, and cataloging; technical position development, interpretation and opinion; exhibit preparation; third party review; and management and technical support to multi-party mitigation and arbitration. He works both as a technical consultant as well as an outsourced project manager.
Mr. Wiebe’s primary focus for our Clients is in strategic planning and expert-level technical review and analysis on water resource development, protection, and environmental cleanup to closure programs throughout the U.S. and four other continents. Mr. Wiebe is a second-generation hydrogeologist in California, and has 37 years of experience in the applications of hydrogeology, geochemistry, engineering geology, and environmental remediation engineering. Mr. Wiebe provides technical direction on water resource and environmental projects, both nationally and internationally, including the development and protection of new groundwater resources, design-support and analysis of municipal and hazardous waste landfills, remediation of industrial, commercial, and former military manufacturing facilities impacted by anthropomorphic organic chemicals, petroleum hydrocarbons, explosives and accelerants, and metals in both soil and groundwater, and provides hydrogeologic and geochemical expertise to several water supply agencies. He has utilized both standard and innovated methods for groundwater assessment, extraction, and treatment. Mr. Wiebe has worked both as a technical consultant to Clients as well as an outsourced project manager for his Clients, routinely provides expertise for environmental engineering Red Team design reviews for projects throughout the globe, and has developed numerous life-cycle cost estimates for large multi-project environmental portfolios, Superfund Sites, and water-resource protection projects.
Mr. Pitts is responsible for the design, development and/or oversight of all site characterization and remediation activities completed at several Equipoise projects. This includes interpreting geologic, hydrogeologic, chemical, geochemical, and biological data to develop a defensible CSM that can be confidently used during the remediation strategy and planning process. Through this process, Mr. Pitts has performed feasibility analyses to evaluate and select technically viable and cost-effective remedial technologies that have been applied to remediate soil, soil vapor, and groundwater. He has designed, implemented, and/or overseen various remediation technologies for the remediation of chlorinated solvents, petroleum hydrocarbons, perchlorate, and 1,4-dioxane. These technologies include pneumatic fracturing, soil vapor extraction, hydraulic fracturing, in-situ chemical oxidation (ISCO), in-situ chemical reduction (ISCR), and enhanced reductive dechlorination (ERD).
Our Services
Equipoise provides a broad spectrum of services including:
- Strategic Planning and Consultation
- Regulatory Agency Negotiation
- Remedial Investigations
- Feasibility and Pilot Studies
- Human and Ecological Risk Assessments
- Expert Review and Technology Evaluation
- Engineering Design
- Treatment System Construction, Operation, Maintenance and Monitoring
- Remediation Construction
- Site Redevelopment
- Property Transfer Assessment
- Life-Cycle Cost Estimating
- Expert Witness and Technical Support
- Regulatory Compliance
- Groundwater Monitoring and Statistical Analyses
- Water Supply Development and Protection
- Groundwater Modeling
- Contaminant Fate and Transport Modeling
- Leachate, LFG, and Soil-Gas Monitoring and Management

Our business sector experience includes:
- Airports
- Aerospace
- Automotive
- Developers
- Electronics
- Financial
- Food Services
- Real Estate
- Refineries
- Telecommunication
- U.S. DOD and DOE
- Insurance
- Law Firms
- Manufacturing
- Mining
- Municipalities
- Oil and Gas
- Ports / Harbors
- Utilities
- Water Agencies
- Wood Products

Business Strategy
Equipoise provides technical consultation within the framework of governing Federal, State and Local regulations to ensure the preservation and protection of our Clients’ assets, while ensuring the preservation of the air, water, and land for this generation and those to come. We are built around principal-level expertise providing our Clients with trustworthy, expert, effective, efficient, and personal service. All Equipoise personnel are solutions driven and sensitive to our Clients’ needs.
Through our relationships nationwide, Equipoise can also expand its areas of expertise and sphere of influence through partnerships with other technical firms and service groups to meet specific technical needs.
Our mission is to provide top-quality horsepower to our Client’s projects coupled with challenging opportunities to our professional staff.

Work & Projects
Having the theoretical knowledge of how to address a complex environmental problem is valuable; having hands-on experience in successfully addressing the same or similar problem is invaluable.
In-Situ Remediation
Daily business operations and surrounding structures often preclude our [...]
System Operation, Maintenance & Monitoring
Environmental treatment systems are rapidly becoming more complex and [...]
Remedial System Design / Installation
The work that our professionals have performed at various [...]
Remedial Investigation / Feasibility Study
Equipoise’s professionals recognize that the objective of site characterization [...]
Strategic Planning
Strategic Planning is the systematic process of envisioning a [...]
Company News
We Moved to San Juan Capistrano
On May 15th, 2024, our San Clemente office moved to the city of San Juan Capistrano. Located off of Interstate 5 (I-5) and Ortega Highway (CA-74), Equipoise’s Orange County office is situated in the [...]
San Clemente Office Expansion
Equipoise is excited to announce the expansion of its San Clemente office and move to 1311 Calle Batido, Suites 250 and 260, in the Talega Business Park of San Clemente, California. Located just off [...]
Battelle Conference Acceptance
Equipoise is please to announce that our abstract, submitted by Mr. Steven Pitts, on Environmental Fracturing in Low-K Conditions to Enhance Soil Vapor Extraction was accepted for the 11th International Battelle Conference on Remediation of Chlorinated and Recalcitrant [...]