On May 20, 2016, more than 80 members of the public, city officials and water agency representatives attended a hearing hosted by the San Gabriel Valley Legislative Caucus to hear first-hand from regulators and responsible parties on the progress of the on-going cleanup of contaminants in the San Gabriel Valley’s groundwater basin.  Appearing before the caucus—among State Senators, Congresswomen, and Assembly members alike—was Equipoise Principal Geologist, Mr. Klaus Rohwer, P.G., to provide expert testimony on the tremendous progress made over the past 23 years, challenges faced and path forward.

Declared a Superfund site by the EPA in 1984, the San Gabriel Basin is the main source of drinking water for 1.4 million people. The presentations focused on three of the six sites or Operable Units (OUs) within the San Gabriel Basin Superfund Site that are currently at important stages of design, construction and ongoing operations: Baldwin Park OU, Puente Valley OU and El Monte OU.

See the full press release for additional details:  http://www.wqa.com/2016/06/wqa-advertorial-in-la-times-6116/ or view PDF version.