Equipoise is please to announce that our abstract, submitted by Mr. Steven Pitts, on Environmental Fracturing in Low-K Conditions to Enhance Soil Vapor Extraction was accepted for the 11th International Battelle Conference on Remediation of Chlorinated and Recalcitrant Compounds that will be held April 8th – 12th in Palm Springs, California.
Background/Objectives. The soil and soil gas at a former industrial facility in California (The Facility) are impacted with volatile organic compounds (VOCs) including trichloroethene (TCE). Soil vapor extraction (SVE) and two-phase extraction (TPE) systems have operated for several years at the Facility; however, VOC recovery rates with the current SVE/TPE well system have reached asymptotic conditions. This is a function of extended remediation operations at each SVE/TPE well and low effective porosity conditions comprised of friable to moderately indurated sandstone with varying degrees of cementation. The Environmental Fracturing (EF) technology was implemented at the Facility to increase air flow within the unsaturated zone and enhance the performance of the existing SVE/TPE systems.
Follow the link to read the full abstract: https://equipoisecorp.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/12/2017-0831-Battelle-Environmental-Fracturing-Pilot-Test.pdf